An orthodontic TAD or Temporary Anchorage Device is a tiny dental implant that looks like a mini screw that’s temporarily placed through the gum tissue and into the jawbone. TADs are usually made of titanium alloy, which is a durable, safe, biocompatible material. Once the TADs are in place, they serve as an anchorage, which means they are a fixed point that can be used to provide force to shift the teeth in the desired direction. With breakthroughs like TADs, orthodontists can move teeth in ways that weren’t possible in the past, allowing us the ability to treat complex cases. They allow the orthodontist to create a customized system for exerting pressure that’s tailored to a patient’s needs. When the tooth movements have been achieved the TADs are removed. Some patients will have their temporary anchorage devices for several months, while others will have TADs for the duration of their orthodontic treatment.